Downloading PyLotRO
PyLotRO has replaced LotROLinux.
Please do not report problems with LotROLinux to me - I no longer support it.
If you have a Debian based system (such as Ubuntu) then you can install pre-built vesrions of the launcher
To add the PyLotRO PPA repository:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ajackson-bcs/ppa
Stand-alone Version
For people who do not wish to install Python, Qt4 and PyQt4; there is another option available
PyLotRO can now be installed directly inside your Wine/Crossover setup, this method is ideal for people using OS X as the installation of Qt4 & PyQt4 can be awkward. Download pylotro-setup.exe and install it directly inside the Wine/Crossover bottle containing LotRO
The latest source tarball can be downloaded from here, see the README file for installation instructions.